e3 Fitness

Brand Overhaul

When E3 Fitness sought a brand overhaul, we eagerly embraced the challenge. E3, a community-focused gym, takes regular individuals and molds them into athletes through hands-on coaching. Our mission was to encapsulate the gym's unique blend of intensity and inclusive, non-judgmental atmosphere, catering to diverse body types, age ranges, and athletic abilities.

As we got into the design phase, we realized an opportunity to revamp their membership options and program offerings, simplifying the path for clients to achieve their fitness goals and grasp their membership packages better.

Drawing inspiration from the world of athletes, we looked to iconic brands like Nike and ESPN. The key was getting the photography spot on – no airbrushed fitness models or unattainable physiques; just real people, sweating it out, putting in the work.

This redesign wasn't just about aesthetics, although it was undeniably beautiful. It was about igniting inspiration, fostering a sense of belonging within a positive fitness community, and motivating individuals to take that pivotal first step on their fitness journey.


David Seeds Packaging & Rebrand


Wish-Bone Packaging & Rebrand